The Complete Kubrick 13: Eyes Wide Shut

For Kubrick’s final film, Matt and Travis are joined by Trevor Berrett of The Mookse and the Gripes and The Eclipse Viewer. We discuss the film’s remarkable relevance in America today, along with its dual themes of marriage and power. Introducing Sociology: A Review of Eyes Wide Shut by Tim Kreider Eyes Wide Shut

The Complete Kubrick 12: Full Metal Jacket

Matt and Travis are joined by Doug McCambridge of Good Times, Great Movies to discuss Kubrick’s final war film, 1987’s Full Metal Jacket. We explore Kubrick’s larger purpose beyond the Vietnam War and the complicated moral landscape of the film. Full Metal Jacket

The Complete Kubrick 11: The Shining

Matt and Travis welcome Aaron West, host of Criterion Now, to discuss Kubrick’s most popular movie, The Shining. We discuss the film’s use of cinematic technique to explore fear and the film’s many mysteries, both real and imagined. The Shining

The Complete Kubrick 10: Barry Lyndon

Matt and Travis welcome cinema samurai and man-about-Twitter Dave Eves to discuss Barry Lyndon. We discuss the film’s uncanny reproduction of 18th Century Europe and the film’s thematic depth, along with the many mysteries of Barry and Ryan O’Neil’s performance. Barry Lyndon

The Complete Kubrick 9: A Clockwork Orange

Matt and Travis welcome author and professor Kenneth James to discuss Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange. We discuss the film’s many thematic and aesthetic elements as well as the film’s notoriety both on release and in its legacy as one of Kubrick’s thorniest films. A Clockwork Orange

The Complete Kubrick 8: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Matt and Travis welcome David Blakeslee of Criterion Reflections to discuss his favorite film of all time, 2001: A Space Odyssey. We go through each of the film’s four sections and discuss the film’s significance in both world history and our own journeys through cinema. 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Complete Kubrick 7: Dr. Strangelove

Matt and Travis are joined by Jon Laubinger of Film Baby Film to discuss Dr. Strangelove. We focus on the film’s relevance in today’s political climate and Kubrick’s decision to make a satire rather than a straight thriller. Dr. Strangelove

The Complete Kubrick 6: Lolita

Matt and Travis welcome Ericca Long of The Magic Lantern Podcast to the show to talk Lolita. We talk about the choices Kubrick made in adapting the book and discuss the controversial subject matter and its treatment by the director. Lolita

The Complete Kubrick 5: Spartacus

Matt and Travis welcome Martin Kessler of Flixwise to the show to talk Spartacus, Stanley Kubrick’s first for-hire directorial project. We talk about the overt and covert elements of the movie and why this is both the most and least important film in Kubrick’s career. Spartacus

The Complete Kubrick 4: Paths of Glory

Matt and Travis turn to Kubrick’s first masterpiece, Paths of Glory. They discuss why the movie still speaks to us so strongly today and break down the elements that make this feel like the first major Stanley Kubrick work. Paths of Glory